Tips After Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Some wisdom teeth come out easy, some come out hard. It depends a lot on the condition of the teeth. But you can make it easier on yourself.
Here are some tips:
1. Ice is your friend. Put an ice pack on the side of your face where the tooth was extracted as soon as possible. This will help keep the swelling down and slow down or stop the bleeding. 2. Switch to moist heat. After 24 hours you can switch to moist heat to help the pain in your jaw. 3. Don’t exercise or over exert because it stimulates swelling and bleeding. 4. Rest when you get home but don’t lie flat,it will stimulate bleeding. Prop your head up with pillows. 5. Stick with room temperature liquids until the bleeding stops. Icy cold may hurt and hot liquids could stimulate bleeding. 6. Eat only soft foods: pudding, broth and liquid soups, gelatin, mashed potatoes. Avoid crunchy or sticky foods until you are sure the site has healed. 7. Don’t use a straw, because sucking can loosen the blood clot that will form in the cavity where you tooth has been removed. 8. Be careful. While your mouth is numb, you run the risk of biting your lip, tongue or the inside of your cheek so just be aware that you need to be careful. 9. Rinse with salt water. Beginning on the second day after surgery, its a good idea to rinse warm salt water in your mouth, very gently, several times a day. It will help relieve the pain and reduce the swelling. 10. Don’t Smoke! Definitely not for at least 24 hours following surgery, its that sucking issue again. Also, it decreases the blood supply to your mouth and introduces germs. 11. Brush carefully. It’s important to brush very carefully and keep your mouth, teeth and tongue clean following surgery. Strictly avoid the area where your tooth was extracted.
It will be tempting, but don’t “worry” the area where your tooth came out with your tongue … or your fingers, either. If you still have bleeding or excessive pain 24 hours after your surgery, check in with your dentist or oral surgeon. It is important to talk with your dentist before the surgery to understand what to expect during and after the procedure.